Debt Collections in UAE

Do you find yourself in a problematic situation and is it getting worse by the day? Are you burdened with debts and due to lack of cash, you can’t repay your creditors on time? Then we have good news for you. TASHEEL DEBT COLLECTIONS is here to help solve your economic woes!

You have a client who owes you money but has not paid. What can you do? As a small business owner, you will inevitably encounter a situation where a customer or client does not pay for goods and/or services they have received from you. Whether it is a simple case of forgetting to pay their bill on time or if they are making excuses not to settle the bill, the consequences can be quite severe. You need money to continue trading and fund your business, but you are unable to do so because of this one client who owes you certain amount.

The first thing most people think is to play nice, send polite reminders and try gentle persuasion on their client. This may work sometimes, but generally it’s a waste of time and you will only be delaying the inevitable. The fact is most clients have no intention of paying- they just don’t want to settle their debts with you because they can get away with it.

Tasheel Debt Collections is a collection agency that provides debt recovery and legal services for UAE residents and businesses. The firm is driven by a professional and experienced team of attorneys and recovery agents who will help you solve your financial problems and restore order to your life.

At Tasheel, we know how stressful it can be when you are drowning in debts, so we are here to offer you a quick and easy debt recovery solution that will not create more problems for your budget.

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The common ways of collecting debts in UAE are getting more innovative day by day. We have top-notch technical expertise that helps us find solutions to the most complex cases of defaulting clients both big and small companies. Here is a list of some of these methods;

  1. First and foremost, Tasheel start sending notices to the defaulters. This is a courtesy step that they take before initiating any further proceedings. If the defaulter fails to pay up even after receiving repeated notice, then the agency will send out legal notice on behalf of their client.
  2. Most innovative way of getting repayment from your client is by continuously calling them and asking for their dues. There are very few people who can withstand phone calls every hour, every minute if they do not pay up immediately.
  3. Tasheel uses to send shock waves among the defaulters in a subtle way. We send our staff to the debtor’s office, who remain there until they do partial payments or some kind of assurance.
  4. Tasheel may resort to public shaming tactics by putting the defaulter’s name, picture, address etc on their notice board or even on the Internet. This is done in order to intimidate them so that they pay up their dues.
  5. Even after doing all these things, the defaulters fail to show their faces which means they are determined to not repay their debts at any cost. It is at this point when the agencies take drastic measures against them which may include filing a case in the court of law.

Debt collection way kind of gentler and more legal will be as follows;

There are so many ways to collect the debts, depending on the organization, structure and location. We should know which way the wind is blowing, then only we can have the right strategy to go ahead.